Thursday, August 20, 2009


Friendship is a funny thing....but it's not something I take lightly. I have few friends and am happy with this because the friends I do have are worth their weight in gold. Each one of them brings something truly special to my life and has their own strength and purpose in being in my life. Friends are not perfect as they are merely human, they are bound to make mistakes and may sometimes cause you pain as will most people at some point in your life. As long as this pain is not intentional and it is truly a mistake, it is in the best interest of a friendship to let go of this pain and appreciate them for the person they are. I have been reminded the past few days of the very different types of friends I have in my life, but also been reminded exactly how special they are and how they each in their own way bring a smile to my face. From the perfect early birthday gift to time well spent laughing....I have to say I am a very lucky girl. I can truly say I love my life and those that are in it......

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