Thursday, August 20, 2009

Uggh 27!

27 has become such a funny number ever since two friends brought it to my attention, but I will tell you there is one 27 I am not looking forward to and that is 27 years which I am about to experience a week from today! It's not that I am not happy that I have gotten to experience 27 beautiful years in this world, it's more that I am definitely on the fast track to 30 and don't feel as though I have achieved what I want to achieve. I understand that everyone is on their own path and life is funny in that you are never where you expected to be....I am happy with that. It's just there are certain things that I truly hoped would have happened by now, some of them I could have made happen, others just must not have been in the plans for me just yet. I have an amazing family, some truly special friends and have experienced things that I will look fondly back on for the rest of my life. This birthday just brings up the nagging fire that has been under my ass for the past three months. It is like an alarm clock went off and I realized how many things I truly wanted to have done by now and realized that a majority of them I could make happen, so I set the ball rolling and am now working towards those goals. I refuse to turn 28 and feel like there were so many things I should've, could've, would've done....I am going to do them and live life with minimal regrets!

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