Saturday, August 15, 2009

Letting Go At All Costs

Sometimes it reaches a point where you have to let go...where the benefit of holding on is outweighed by the day-to-day damage of waiting for a change. When your heart is fully focused on someone, there will always be a void until that person is in your life again completely or until you fully realize and accept that they never will again and start to heal your heart one day at a time. Of course this world is difficult so this is never an easy choice. Even once the choice is made complications arise at every turn and make it even harder to mend your heart but the fact is no one can break your heart and if you chose to give someone your heart than you have the choice to reclaim it for yourself. I want my heart back....It's not to be nasty or because I don't think the person was worthy of having my heart it is a simple matter of what I want and what makes me happy and what I know I deserve. I want to build a life with someone, struggle with them, go from the bottom to the top with them. I want someone who wants to share that with me, not someone who feels that you have to rise to the top solo and then join with someone. I think the strongest relationships are those that are built when both people are at the beginning and they rise together through the love and support and faith of the other person. This doesn't take away from being a strong person; it is just a choice one makes if they want to share their successes and failure with someone else. I want someone who is willing to share their successes and failures with me. Someone who wants me to be a part of their rise to the top, just as they will be a part of mine. I don't want someone who will be the reason I rise or someone who needs me to rise, just someone who will allow me to share on their journey through life. I can offer a lot of love and support and need love and support. This is who I am and I am happy with that. I am not going to wait for the right person to join me, maybe there never will be a right person and I will end up going through this life alone. If that is the way it is meant to be, then that is the way it will be. I know God will never give me anything more than I can handle and he has given me the world...therefor there is nothing in this world I can't handle. Sometimes love and compatibility are just on two different sides of the scale and nothing can make them come together..... It hurts and will hurt for a long time probably, but from here on out; I am officially done waiting. I am sealing my heart from any more bleeding and going to start mending it. That way if someday the right person does come along...I won't have half a heart to give them...I will be able to offer my full heart and soul just like I did before.

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