Monday, August 10, 2009


I try and try to find a reason behind the unnecessary lies that people tell. I wonder if these lies are important to the person telling them, if they are necessary to maintain the reality they have created. Is it really that hard to say what you mean and mean what you say? Are people so scared to face reality, that they don't even consider the effect of their lies on others? I understand that there will always be points where it is in the interest of all involved to tell a little white lie, but when it becomes a habit rather than the exception hasn't it then become a problem? If you have to lie to someone, maybe you don't need to be really talking to that person. I don't understand the on and off switches that some people seem to have... One day you are the light of their life and the next you are non-existent. I can't understand both of those beliefs being possible, one of the days you are lying. Why do it? Is the acceptance of others so important to people that they change their beliefs and actions in order to please more people. Can someone be one person in private entirely different than the person they are in public? In the end, won't one of those people have to take control? No one can live in eternal duality....there will come a point where you will have to decide what life you are gonna lead. I guess I wouldn't struggle so much with all of this if I didn't believe that people are innately good and make choices and life changes them into less than good people........

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